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The Nordic School in Dar es Salaam offers daycare and after school activities based on Nordic pedagogical principles. The school is situated in Oysterbay on the corner of Chole Road and Ruvu Street with lush green grounds and an expansive playground. Our preschool is divided into two smaller groups and is for children aged 1 to 6. The after school is for children aged 5,5 to 12.
The Nordic School is a parent-run school that requires and expects involvement and commitment from both parents and employees. It is governed by a General Assembly of parents overseen by an elected Board of parents. The ordinary General Assembly is held every year in October, where all parents are invited and encouraged to participate. At the General Assembly, the members of the Board will be elected. The Nordic School is financially self-sustained.

We provide a Nordic inspired educational learning environment where children take centre stage. Children’s right to, and the importance of play, is our key focus. We believe that childhood has intrinsic value, and we have a holistic and acknowledging approach to the children in order to meet every child’s need for security, care, belongingness, and respect.
Our teachers are from the Nordic countries as well as from Tanzania. The main language of instruction at the school is English, but the Nordic languages are spoken as well – just like the children are also taught Nordic songs, games and celebrates Nordic traditions such as Lucia and Fastelavn.